Showing posts with label Neotrogla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neotrogla. Show all posts

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Scientists Find Female Penis in Nature

In desolate caves throughout Brazil live insects that copulate for days, the female's penetrating erectile organ sticking fast in a reluctant male's genital chamber until he offers a gift of nutritious semen. Neotrogla seems to be unique among species with reversed sex roles — with choosy males and aggressive, promiscuous females — in also having swapped anatomy, researchers report.

The insect Neotrogla was first described in 2010. 

Entomologist Charles Lienhard at the Geneva Museum of Natural History in Switzerland recognized them as a new genus — and also as possessing unusual genitalia. The team's work describing the reproductive practices of four separate species of Neotrogla is published in Current Biology recently. 

Read the whole article here: Nature; Female insect uses spiky penis to take charge.

So first they took our pants and now they are starting to take our penises too, where will this end? Will the male gender become utterly redundant as time goes by?