Friday, August 27, 2010

More Hate

The great blog "Joe. My. God." pointed me to this hate-ad from NOM. They seem to object to "San Fransisco Values" and judge Vaughn R. Walker. I wonder which is worst to these hatmongers, being overrun by Muslims or by Gays and Lesbians?

Could someone PLEASE explain to me why allowing gay & lesbian marriages threathens straight marriages and "the family"?

I admit to being a total idiot, but I don´t understand the arguments.


  1. 'this ruling is crazy and scary' - well theres a well reasoned argument that you can fit on a placard. As for which is worse well depends on the target de jour - a veritable moveable feast for them buddy. Bored? Well don't worry we've got lots to choose from to hide the sorry state we (the moral majority or is that now outmoded?) are in. Plus ca change.
    Send money for this holy cause [ref jihad in its modern corruption, pogrom etc]

  2. Fy 17, vilken sörja! Varför måste yttersta högern i USA basunera ut sitt förakt hela tiden?

    Med vänlig hälsning,


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