Sunday, August 22, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 103

Yesterday I got a shy IM from Chiyo Yuhara, asking if I was still doing this peace and art project. I told her, "Of course, my dear, it will continue as long as I keep getting pictures!"

Chiyo then promptly sent me a whole bunch of beautiful pictures of her amazingly sexy avatar. I hope you enjoy and appreciate them as much as I did. And let me asure you, Chiyo is not only strikingly beautiful, she has an abundance of charm and good sence of humour also!

Let me tell you all that I actually have four firm promises to send in pictures sometime, but they did not tell me when... (and one of them may have changed his mind, since we had a run-in recently.)

The four are (so you can help in putting some pressure on them - but in good way...)
1. Midnattsdotter Fride,
2. Stirred Diesel,
3. roby Orellana and
4. Bara Jonson (but I am not expecting any from him until after February 14th, 2011, for reasons that must remain undisclosed)

Jadå, ni är fortfarande välkomna att skicka era bidrag till mig antingen inworld eller till min mejl
Yes, you are still welcome to send your contributions to me either inworld or to my mail

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