Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tyst min mun, så får du socker!

"Tyst min mun, så får du socker!" is a Swedish expression that directly translated would be something like ""Shut up my mouth, and I will give you sugar!". It is mostly used to tell oneself to keep quiet in a situation where any discussion will be pointless and achieve nothing except rancor and strife.

But I could not help myself from posting this anyway... (Yes, I know, I know, I really should have tried harder but I am a weak and opinionated man.)


  1. There unfreedom live whispers in the corners.
    -Havamal 800-talet.

    Can never be wrong to talk, then we can sort out small misunderstandings before they become major conflicts.

  2. I would mostly agree with you, Vanadis, from the bottom of my heart and my soul.

    But sometimes one has to realise that one is not the best person to take part in a particular discussion. So I choose not to be involved in this one and therefore leave it to others.

  3. Debate is interesting! A blog without debate is booring =))

    But i choose whom i debate with... carefully. And debate with u Bock is always a pleasure :)


  4. You are always welcome to "testdrive" it on me before you publish. We often do that in real life journalism. If I go bananas you know that it need a little piece of more work. :) :) :)
    But I can agree, it would be nice if things calm down a little bit

  5. Thanks Vanadis, for that kind offer! I will consider it seriously.


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