Thursday, September 2, 2010

Farewell Emerald

I will miss you my lovely Emerald viewer! I thought I could trust you and you had so many nifty features but reading the blogs now the truth has finally dawned on me.

I have been a total absolute fool to place my trust in a group of unsupervised adolescent gang of hackers, these brilliantly gifted but terrible children that have made up the dev team of Emerald. My complete lack of insight and knowledge about the technical and safety issues concerned with using a viewer and my realization now of what these young men and women could - and indeed possibly would - do to hurt me have forced me to make a decision.

I will never again use a viewer made by anyone except Linden Labs!

But I beg of you Philip Linden, my dearest interim CEO, please drop that terrible "Viewer 2"-project and pick up some of the slack from the Emerald viewer.


  1. Thats exactly what i always said. (Sorry dont wanna write it on folks nose but my friends know i always said that.

    Now in Inworldz i have to use other viewers, i have no other choice. But i agree, using LLs own client is probably safer.

    But nowadays i dont use V2 anymore i stick with Imprudence and Hippo. Im not that often in SL anyway. So I dont have the stamina to update it ;)

  2. Não, meu querido irmão, nunca V2, usaremos ponteiro Snowball.

    Yes, Vesper, you were wise to stay with the Linden Labs own clients.

  3. sticking with emerald till LL pulles the not afraid i can fly;) and after that some other 3rd party viewer i will ONLY use LL 1.23 again if i really HAVE TO and NEVER viewer 2 i'd rather leave sl than use that crappy viewer

  4. We have a conflict in the Twine-deSantis household over viewers. I stick with 1.23, play with the others for alts on a quarantined machine and the only thing that unites us is a hatred of LL 2.poo lol. Emerald was a viewer thats all. No big thing if it goes. There are others. Plus ca change. If you dont trust something then dont use it. Personally I dont trust, as such, any of them full stop as i have been a dev. Not on a viewer, as a job. Yeah oversight is an issue but then again you have to pay people to do that.

  5. check out this :
    with links to Jessica Lyon's blog and a new viewer called the Phoenix Viewer, which is a clone of a safe Emerald with all the same features.
    Personally I will wait untill it has been approved by LL before I download and install it.

  6. I have seen that post, Suteruni, but I already promised myself NEVER to put my trust in the adolescent geniuses ever again! I´ll wait til they get a job at Linden Lab and come under proper supervision ;)


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