Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 108

Picture courtesy of/stolen from Blanche Argus
Picture courtesy of/stolen from Iendi Laville
Sometimes one just has to shout "Wooo get naked" and things start happening in Second Life!

This is a scene from Iendi Lavilles and Apollon Allens "The Grenouille Inn" tonight. Apollon was DJ-ing for a few of us Swedes, and I used my gesture that shouts "Wooo etc. etc.". This is what happened after I left to go to Andreys set.

You see the girls Blanche Argus, rultan Zepelin and Stella Guardian up on the the bar having a great time. It was all done with loads of charm and humour. Hell, if I had still been there I surely would have joined in the fun.

The pictures were stolen with love from Blanche´s blog Blanche´s Arena and from Iendis blog "Iendi och sl-mysteriet".

P.S. Yes, they are not completely naked, but I make the rules on this blog and in that special project of Peace and Art, but this will be the only exception allowing clothing til I decide otherwise ;P

1 comment :

  1. Hahaha.. Ja den passar ju bra här apropå Nakna Avatarer.

    ❤~❤~❤ O_o ❤~❤~❤


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