Friday, September 10, 2010

Strange friends

The above is a post I found on what I thought was a friends blog. After that post she is no longer a friend of mine and never will be again.

I can never accept that a so called "friend" spits in my face like this. As soon as I get back into Second Life I am deleting the friendship cards to her and her alt. Hell I am even going to download "OutWorldz" again to take her off my friendslist there.

"Talk is cheap, Bock. Don´t judge them by what they say, judge them by their actions. Actions speak louder than words!" (Said to me by my lover and husband for more than two and a half years - whom I never had the privilege to meet in real life - Ars Northmead in a conversation early 2008.) 

No narrowminded unsensitive people are going to be allowed to set limitations to my love or my feelings!

My love does not become less because it does not follow the norm or the regulations of some petit bourgeois people. They can spend time regulting themselves and try to learn some sensitivity for others instead of trying to apply their sociopathic tendencies on me.


  1. Must admit that particular posting rather stuck in my craw (to put it mildly) but then again I suppose I am biased. So what.

    kram buddy

  2. Bock, I don't blame you for being angry.

    Ars was truly a special person and one of my very first friends in Second Life. Anyone who suggests that your feelings for him were second-rate compared to a real world relationship simply does not know what he or she is talking about.

    But Ars, backwards people who are too busy adjusting their blinding visors and not paying attention to real fact have been around for time immemorial. Why let them bother you?

    This person who said these comments could be bitter over a busted Second Life relationship, or could be so difficult to deal with that anyone who has any sort of relationship with another will be suspect. Instead of getting angry, do one of two things. Ignore the comment or try to educate the person who said it.

    There are many things in Second Life that can be highly irritating, and nasty comments are just one of them. But do not give it a second thought. They are simply too trivial to raise your blood pressure over.

  3. To sirhc, kraaaaam buddy!

    To Eddi, thanks for your advice! This woman has been a part of my supportsystem since Ars passed away, and never once have she told me that she questioned the valdidty of our love for each other. My initial reactions to her post where really as if she had suddenly spat in my face or given me a blow right in the solar plexus. I just wanted to throw up.

    A few hours later I remembered what day was coming up, September 11th, and in comparison to that event this particular piece of drama and my hurt feelings were puny.

    I came to the realisation I must forgive her and respect her. And I will do that in a little time, but forgiving and respecting doesn´t mean I have to accept her as a friend in the future.

    Hugs Eddi, thanks for understanding!


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