Sunday, September 19, 2010


Well then, I have now performed my civic duty! It´s the only obligation I believe any citizen in a democracy really must and should perform, to vote in general elections.

The lines were longer than usual, so I do hope we get a big turnout. The election night will be nervous and interesting to watch for the following reasons.

1. Will the fascist Swedish Democratic party get a seat in the Swedish parliament, the Riksdag?
2. Will the RedGreens or the Alliance win the election?

Some people say that this election may be so close that we could have to wait until Wednesday for the final results...


  1. voted too!! and i too sirhc on a observation round to see how we do it in sweden:) ive always prevoted vefore so it was in a way new to me too. but now i have done my duty and can complain as much i like if "my side" doesnt win...
    ps we are doing an election theme at OD tonight so do come dressed in voted stickers hehe

  2. Haha thats a really great idea for a theme! Sorry to say but I will have to miss it. I am going to lay curled up on my sofa - with paracetamols close by me - to watch the election coverage and doze off from time to time!

    Have loads of fun!

  3. Smyger in med Loo's berömda kycklingsoppa som krya-på-dig-mat! Kram!

  4. Kram Loo, ja jag kanske behöver lite stärkande soppa... ;)


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