Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ah Yes, I Remember It Well

My little sister Millimina Salamander is reminiscing on her blog "Magasin Millimina" today, about The Killers and their song "Human". That got me thinking about this delicious jewell with Hermione Gingold and Maurice Chevalier in "Gigi".

He: "Am i getting old?"
She: "Oh no, not you!"

In Second Life 1,5 - 2 years are like 10 - 25 years in real life, but like in real life it is the women who remember the details best while we men mostly remember what we choose to remember.



  2. "In Second Life 1,5 - 2 years are like 10 - 25 years in real life, but like in real life it is the women who remember the details best while we men mostly remember what we choose to remember."

    SOOO true!

  3. "choose to remember"? I forget what I had for breakfast ! Why I outsource my memories. And you are not the only one re music - took me 6 months to realize there was sound in SL. Now this was after at least 2 live performances....

  4. Haha I love that expression "outsource my memories", would you mind very much if I use it all the time in the future, buddy? Without attributing it to you?

    I have since posting revised my memories concerning the sound button. At the present time I "now know" (it can change on further thought) exactly who told me about the sound button and approximately when it happened and - I think - even where it happened.

    It was when this nice guy named Drizz McMillan took me to the at the time leading gay mens club in SL "The DevilInside" sometime in August 2007. LOL

    Further updates on this may or may not appear...


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