Saturday, October 2, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness

"October breast cancer month. 

The pink that is coloring our lifes during the month of October. whether commercial or sincere, shouldn’t cover the reality of breast cancer itself. Worldwide, millions of people, women and men are suffering from breast cancer every day. And each and everyone of them feels the pain, the fear, the guilt, the uncertainty, the responsibility, the loss, being thrown back to the core essence of life. And let us not forget our loved ones we lost. May all of this being represented by this vulnerable appearing color.

However, the brightness of pink at the same time stands for hope and strength of each individual to fight its personal fight. It stands for the community making this personal fight a community responsibility. It stands for all the efforts of people; fund raisers, medical staff, researchers, students, and volunteers worldwide, working together to find the cure. It stands for the industry proving its mature responsibility towards manufacturing processes, ingredients and products. It stands for equal fundamental rights for all breast cancer survivors whether born in richness or in poverty anywhere on mother earth.

Pink Ribbon stands in my view for one thing that makes Pink Ribbon unique, a world wide solidarity of people and breast cancer organisations to stand together. We therefore dedicate October 2010 to the solidarity of all people. Let’s fight together!" 

Mr. Drs. Walter Scheffrahn MBA MBI
Founder & Secretary Pink Ribbon Inc.
Pink Ribbon International

As I said yesterday, if it´s been said well use it!

I hope you all have your pink ribbons on, otherwise it´s time to get it - in both your first and second life.


  1. A free Pink Ribbon are now sent out in the group: Swedish People in SL - to all members.

    As a reminder in our Second Life as well as a reminder of the campaign running IRL.

    /Tina - Swedish People in SL - and more about the Pink Ribbon: - >..blogen Tinas Universum!
    - and of course more about more:-)


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