Thursday, October 7, 2010

Children in day care are killing me

I really hate it when my co-workers with children in day care bring their kids viruses to our workplace. I got hit with a new variety today...

As a childless man I am the most vulnerable, because I haven´t built up any resistance to their bloody infections.

Don´t they realize that the "common cold" killed millions of indians after Colombus stumbled over the Americas? And anyhow the infection I got this time must be the "uncommon cold".

Could someone please pass me the chicken broth?

One of the absolutely best thing about Second Life is you can meet people without the risk of contracting deadly disweases like the so called "common cold", by the way can we really be sure it´s not deadly anymore?


  1. you need a sirhc:) he had a cold the other day and gave ME chicken soup so i woulnt catch it:) and i havent so far.
    i totally agree with you about the kids - they are spread everything around them. they look at you and you start to sneeze:(

  2. Haha thanks Ziga and Em, I have already taken two paracetamols and lots of tea. I will take two more paracetamols before going to bed soon ;)

  3. So true, Vampi, could you send our sweet cat to me straight away? I´ll pay for the costs of freight of course.

    I sorely need some tender care and nurturing now!


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