Friday, October 15, 2010

Linden Lab Hears My Prayers

I read about it first on my friend Frostlands blog and then on The Second Life Blog (where P.J. Linden tells us about a lot of other interesting news and updates also).

My friends at Linden Lab have heard my prayers! Well everyone elses too, I guess, but I still choose to think of this as a personal favor to me from my friends at the lab.

We are getting 40 groups before the end of the year, yeaaaaaahawwww! OK, OK it´s just a trial and they may change it back but it will do for now...

Love ya right back Philip, P.J., Belinda and the rest of you Lindens!


  1. someone asked on the sl blog if it was just for v2 and of course no answer...which probably means it IS just for v2... wouldnt be surpriced they will do anything to get ppl to use that awful no use whatsoever crappy viewer.

  2. Oh please Vampi, my sweet friends at the lab would never do that to me... or would they?

  3. If it isnt too much asked, could you please try and pray for someone to give me lots of money? You seem to have a lucky streak right now. ;)

    Hugs Bock bro!

  4. LOL I´ll start on that tonight, Frost!

  5. oh wow, that is good news!! I have been short of groups for years now, was always a huge struggle which one to join and which one to decline.Specially if you love music ;)
    Thanks for posting, great news!

  6. 40?? pffffff since they started SL it's sutck at 25 so... 50 at LEAST!


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