Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Shocking Philip

I woke up in the middle of the night and went to my computer and there I found this shocking news on "The Second Life Blog". It´s an announcement posted by my favourite interim CEO Philip Linden on Oct 19, 2010 4:28:33 PM

"After about four months as interim CEO, working closely with Bob Komin, the management team, and the board, we've decided we are ready to start the search for a new CEO. I'll be leaving day-to-day management of the company and continuing in my role on the board, including helping in the search to find a great CEO. I will also be continuing my work with my new company, LoveMachine. Bob will lead Linden Lab while we conduct the search. It's been an intense few months of transition, and we all feel like we are in a better place now, with a clearer sense of direction and more focus, and are ready to bring someone new into the mix as a leader."

Philip, my darling Philip, how could you do this to me! I should think Bob is a great man, but I do not yet have the same trust in him as I have in you - and now you make the trust I placed in you seem totally misplaced.

My trust in Philip cam from him being "the original dreamer", than man who made my beautiful Second Life possible. I counted on him to understand who we - the day-to-day users experienced our world and what improvement and changes were necessary to make our experience better - more fast, fun ad easy.m I really do feel a bit betrayed, Philip, I also know the OutWorldzers and "Bastians" will ridicule me now for my belief and trust in you, that makes it even more heavy.

I don´t know Bob Komin at all, he really may be a perfectly decent guy, but I have no hopes stuck to him yet and no trust. I have to try sleep on this terrible news...


  1. is what Philip said when I asked if he would be part of the UWA 3D Art & Design Challenge Grand Finale " I'm not sure that the media coverage warrants getting me involved, given my time commits. Hopefully you can imagine that having me take a few hours to work on something is a pretty big commit... we'd need to feel like this was something that was going to national major news coverage, etc"

    Tja, här är NÅGRA länkar till mediabevakningen av detta för Philip obetydliga event:

    The Examiner

    Metaverse Journal - Special Feature

    UWA Media Statement

    Prim Perfect:

    Shiawase Lts:

    Metaverse Arts:

    Virtual World Info (autotranslation)

    The A List Virtual World:

    Raftwet Jewell Virtual World:

    Magnum: The Machinima Review:

    Bosl Blog

    UWA Blog

    Tinas Universum

    Nordanomjorden's Blog


  2. Oh BTW just so it won´t be any mistake.. it was of course Jayjay Zifanwe from University of Western Australia that asked Philip.. Apmel he probably wouldn´t have bothered aswer at all :)

  3. You are far too modest Apmel! The Apmels of Second Life are my idols and are collectively an instution for the arts, culture and science in Second Life.

    All four of you are models for us all in citizen participation and activity! Second Life would not be the same without you, and I should think even Philip knows that.


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