Thursday, January 13, 2011

GA Arts & Culture Event - January 14-16th

The Gay Archipelago (GA) is an international region in Second Life, today consisting of 146 sims today. They share traffic, conduct Archipelago-wide events, and welcome LGBT newcomers into Second Life. Gay Archipelago has a variety of content, including businesses, land rental, shopping, entertainment, role-playing, and services for the gay Second Life community.

Linden Labs recently assigned the Gay Archipelago its own area, allowing it to further expand, enabling it to remain focused on, and working for the LGBT community.

The Gay Archipelago is owned by 44 Estate owners and is a place to welcome and help LGBT people, and to support the talents of residents and merchants.


GA invite you all to a special GA-wide event.Come and see for yourself! There will be a Cultural Festival on the United Continent of Gor sims, and during the Weekend there will be a focus on art galleries throughout the Gay Archipelago. We will also be holding a sculpture contest on the GA Sandbox.

Don't miss it! And spread the word among your groups and friends.

For more info please visit the GA blog 

In response to a question asked on my bosom buddy´s blog The Bock McMillan Art Foundation (a part of the BMcM Corporation) encourages everyone to visit this event although it does not have the formal or financial support of the foundation.

The Much Honoured Bock McMillan, Laird of Southern Charm, has gratefully accepted an invitation on "Facebook" - a popular Internet based social network service - from the organizer himself Fabrice Snook and is happy to announce that he will attend the event. 

He may however chose to do so incognito to spare the organizers the costs of additional security measures otherwise required.

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