Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy Fourth Anniversary

Today we celebrate the fourth anniversary of the oldest Swedish blog still in existence "Min avatar heter Apmel".

The soul, the brain and the heart behind that blog is of course my bosom buddy and mentor Apmel Goosson. May there be many more years of blogging to come for you and "your relatives", Uncle Ib, Apmelina and Kludden.


P.S. I just checked and this blog celebrated it´s "real" first anniversary on January 12th, 2011, it was founded earlier but the first real blog post was on that day. So now you know what all we Swedes do in a New Year, we start a blog!

Hmmm the other two celebrating blogs chose a slogan for the coming year, I guess I should do so also! Mine will be "Let´s live, love and party!"


  1. I started mine slighly before New Years eve...but thats me:-)


  2. Well, dearest Tina, I think it would be safe to say you are a little crazier than the rest of us... LOL

  3. A somewhat belated Happy First Anniversary to your high class blog Bock!!


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