Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Cute & the Cool

Ma´boys are back in the fold, well some of then - the ones I want and need most to be close to.

The cuteness that is Guyke Lundquist has even learned the trick how to look cute when you are kicking someone else´s teeth in. It´s a really funny picture.that Janttu made of him there.

The picture below shows you my wonderful, caring and loving son in-law, the coolness that is Janntu Winkler.

I am so happy that Guyke always had this nack of finding the sweetest asnd most wonderful men in his life. That is a great talent, he must have inherited it from his father Ars. (I have another picture of Janttu (absolutely mouthwatering), but I am not allowed to show you that one - well not yet.

My SecondLife would be much poorer without these two and my B-I-L Andrey and of course my little sister Millimina. I love them all to bits!


  1. Guyke and Janttu are nice, sweet and very kind. They are a perfect couple. Hugs to them!


  2. Awww love you both auntie and stepdad. Biggest hug evah!


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