Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa

I freely admit it, I have an addiction of exclamation marks. The strange thing is though that it only occurs when I blog or write e-mails, not in any of my other writings.

My overuse of exclamation marks is an annoying habit, but please believe me I am working hard to curtail it! Someday soon I hope to write a post without a single exclamation mark. Pray for me, dear readers!


  1. LOL, I say LOL a lot, not in RL but in text. Not sure why but people have been upset by it in the past. I TRY not to use it too much but...

  2. haha yeah and in addition to my exclamation marks I need to work on my "LOL"s and my "amazing"s too - its all quite a burden you know...


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