Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Missing A Friend

I don´t know what made you feel you had to close your blog or why you felt you had to leave SecondLife. I miss you and I miss your blog.

You have always been one of the persons with the biggest heart I ever met in any world, both virtual or real.

Every time you saw or understood that someone was hurting or in need of comfort, be it man, woman or animal, you were always there, ready with a hug and a few kind words.

I understand you must be hurting now, Carla, so this is only to tell you I for one hope you come back to us when you feel you have the strength and the stamina to deal with it all.

A thousand hugs to you!

1 comment :

  1. 100% agree with you Bock. All of us lucky enough to be Carla's friends miss her a lot.

    Hugs dear


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