Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Colors, Gender and Sexual Identity

So spring is here now and at lunch today some of my female colleagues where discussing colors. They talked about äppelblomsgrön (apple-blossom green), lindblomsgrön (linden flower green) limegrön (lime green), gammelrosa (old pink) and cerise among many other colors.

While I was listening to them talk, I suddenly realized that I didn't understand the difference between the colors they were mentioning and seemed to agree about and was reminded by a post on Joe.My.God. recently where Joe Jervis used the following picture to jokingly illustrate the difference on how the two genders differentiate between colors.

According to the comments there was a difference between straight men and gay men in that gay men can differentiate more colors than straight men. I did not understand what they meant then and I still don´t.

When I came home I googled for the colors I have mentioned at the beginning of this post. The results of my search did not clarify the issue to me.

The yarn is supposedly apple blossom green
Lime green
Also lime green
Linden blossom green
Old pink
Also old pink
I am now totally lost, I think the samples are just different shades of green or pink, and two of the green that are said to be the same color definitely look different to me and the same goes for two of the pink.

Oh my f***ing Gawd - I hope this doesn't mean that I am a heterosexual! That would really be the worst fate in the world!


  1. dont worry bock i have a hard time separating all colours too and i used to make and saw clothes! purple is purple to me a bit more blue or red in some but still purple yellow light or darker and so on...and eggplant... its black in real life not purple (or so i see it)saw one yesterday and it was black.
    so relax you are still gay:)and im still a woman:)

  2. *deep sigh of relief* I think you just saved my life Vampi, well perhaps that was a bit melodramatic but you helped me to sleep tonight !

  3. Hmm, well, as far as I see it theres black, not-black (special case being white - its snowing), red1 (we have wine), red2 (i'm bleeding), sort of greeny brown (ugh better throw that out) and oww (I have a headache, covering a lot of things mostly outdoors).
    There again I barely class as hooomon, so gender and sexuality are way down my worry list.

  4. LOL buddy, did you ever get a check-up for colorblindness?


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