Saturday, April 9, 2011


1. Do I really want to change to a black background like all the other fashionable blogs or do I stick with my colored background?

2. What do I do with the blogs of friends and family that haven´t bothered to update for more than 2 months?

3 a. Should I include blogs that I sometimes read but don´t recommend in the lists of blogs I follow?
3 b. Should I include blogs that don´t bother to link to me?
3 c. Should I include blogs that send me some traffic but I cannot read myself (

4. What the hell made my follower #40 leave me - and who the f**k was it?

5. Should I only focus on SecondLife here or do I continue to mix it up with real life?

6. What´s the problem with "Sitemeter" that Vanadis was hinting at on her blog the other day? Should I keep it or drop it?

Being human isn't easy...


  1. resting blog hihi well i am useless at updating i know :(
    been busy building in sl for my new shop so i guess i should do an update any time soon(ish) ;)

    think you should keep your blog just as it is the way YOU like it not go black just cos many do (i like black and thats the only reason i keep mine that way)

  2. I´ll move you up to the main list as soon as you do update, buddette! ...but I really haven't decided how I am going to with the blog lists yet!

    Thanks for your input concerning the color issue, puss & kram! ;)

  3. Dare to refuse black! Black text on white background gives the best readability. Preferably in combination with Georgia and Times font.
    Black background is out of fashion but those who have had a black background since they started to blog may lose readers if they change. Helvetica font on a black background is hard to read for everyone over 21 and requires advanced typographic skills.

  4. Thanks for sharing your valuable views, Vanadis!


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