Saturday, April 16, 2011

Facebook bans picture

This picture of two fully clothed adult men kissing was banned by Facebook today. Read the full story here: Hey Facebook: What’s SO wrong about a pic of two men kissing? 

I reposted it of course, lets see what happens...


  1. OMFG... It is 2011 people!

    Now, I had understod Facebook IF;
    1. The men in the picture had been naked and genital bits had been exposed.
    2. Infringement on copyright had been an issue.
    3. It had been the wish of the men in the photo to have it removed due to personal matters.

    As it is, they are now fully clothed, copyright and personal wishes don't seem to be the problem? Hmmmmm...

    I had understod the pub owner IF;
    1. The two men were snogging like crazy as if they were in a private room - I have myself had to ask a couple (man and woman) to calm down as they were practically eating each other alive in a public environment. But that is just common sense!
    2. The two men were too drunk and getting too loud or abusive towards others.

    This don't seem to have been the problem however... throwing people out for a simple kiss is just stupid! STUPID!

    /Sofie Snowbear

  2. I totally agree with everything you say Sofie!

    None of those valid reasons you mention were brought up by Facebook when banning the picture.

    As for the men in London they themselves and some witnesses too say that it was not even a tongue involving kiss, just the lips-against-lips variation and only one.

    Thanks so much for the beautiful Harlequin mask you sent me yesterday, I thanked you on your blog too but am afraid you will miss that comment ;)

  3. You're welcome ^_^ Glad you like it!

    /Sofie Snowbear


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