Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Modern Tecnology

There is this amazing thing called "modern technology". Among other things it makes it possible for you to communicate with others electronically with the use of something called "email". It´s something like a digitally produced letter that get´s sent from your computer to the recipients computer instantly.

It would be a really wonderful invention if it weren't for the fact we have humans using it. Sometimes they forget to check, other times they forget to answer and then there are times that they mean to answer but forget about it.

Of course we mustn't forget there are also the times when they just don´t feel like answering or may even have blocked you or marked you as spam.

I sent a mail over a month ago to someone I thought cared and still have received an answer. And two days ago I sent one to my darling friend Millimina - and would you believe it - she actually hasn't answered yet!

We should start digitizing humans so they at least send out auto-responses "Thanks for your mail. I am not in the office right now but will get back to you a.s.a.p!"

Millimina, You´ve Got Mail!

UPDATE: Now I feel really guilty, because shortly after I had published this post I got a response from dearest Milli, she must have been writing it while I was posting. Sorry darling, ILY-A!


  1. must admit that i am terrible at answering e mails :( if i dont do it straight away when i get it i forget...

  2. True Vampi, I used to do that too, so I started marking them as unread or attaching "follow ups" not to forget.

    We learn about humankind from our own weaknesses! ;)

  3. Yes, you were writing this blogpost and I was writing an answer to you - exactly at the same time. :-)



  4. Maybee they taken my advice for wellness: -Don´t forget to unplugg when you take a brake.
    -Try it you to! .Good friends are still there when you plugin. Thoose who deserts you are no real friends and you live better without them. :)


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