Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wanted - Dead or Alive

Guyke Lundquist (see picture), son of Ars Northmead and stepson of Bock McMillan, was last heard from on Thursday May 5th, 2011 when he informed his stepfather that he was on his way to Finland.

Although he informed his stepfather that he would be back on May 16th, 2011, he has not been heard of since.

If you have any news of this avatars whereabouts or have seen him in SecondLife please inform his worried stepfather in comments here or by e-mail to Bock´s e-mail 

UPDATE May 27, 2011, 01:47; I just heard from the beautiful man, all is well but life has been hectic. I am so relieved! ;)


  1. -Hönsapappos! :) Är övertygad om att Guyke är uppfostrad på ett ansvarsfullt sätt till att ta vara på sig själv.
    -Föräldrar kan inte mer än ge barnen verktygen, de måste få lov att använda dem själva.

  2. Hahaha true Vanadis! I will try to stop being a hen-father, but worrying is a integral part of being me although I know I really should tone it down a few notches.

    He is a man now, I accept that completely, but... hahaha

  3. I'm baaaaack!!!

    And I still love you to bits my hen-father <3

  4. I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Good to have you back, now finish up that RL shit as fast as possible and come back to me!


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