Saturday, June 25, 2011

Jordyn Reveals History´s Most Well Kept Secret

Today Jordyn Carnell spilled the beans on all man-kind.

He revealed the age old and most well kept secret of men. Amazingly enough he did this without even so much as a "by your leave, sir" it in the most casual a comment on "Bock in SecondLife".


The tragic event in all it´s sordidness can be read here.

It is rumored that the United States armed forces have taken Jordyn into protective custody after his home was surrounded by rightfully enraged men.

According to all the news agencies of the world, the United States President Barack Obama has dropped everything to try to handle the ramifications of this crisis.


  1. This reminds me of a joke that I made up that Monica Lewinsky actually told Bill Clinton!

    Q.What is the difference between a New Jersey girl and a Mac computer?

    A. Mac computers never go down.

  2. LOL good one, Eddi, and with Jordyn one can never be quite sure. He is good at double entendre!


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