Saturday, July 30, 2011

All Hail King Bieber I

The McMillan household was in a total uproar yesterday after the Much Honored Bock McMillan, Laird of Southern Charm and Prince of Cascade Falls, had informed his clan that we now have a king in Second Sweden.

The throne of Second Sweden had been empty ever since the former Queen PetGirl III abdicated - as it was rumored among the residents - to go live with her mysterious lover in InWorldz or OpenSims. She abandoned the poor residents of Second Sweden to a ghastly junta of 5-6 unknown avatars.

Well now the household was informed by the laird that we had been saved by a coups d´etat whereby the American avatar formerly known as Taco Rubio, had usurped the throne of Second Sweden under the name His Glorious and Victorious Majesty King Bieber I of Second Sweden.

The clan was amazed by this news as Taco Rubio was well known to them all as the Gingerbread Man from uncounted Lucia pageants, no one had been aware of his ambitions in this matter. Many in the household started doubting loudly whether the new king had the qualifications needed to become king of Second Sweden, but then.Wild Zepp raised his voice and reminded us all that Taco was after all married to the fair lady Nethermind, who was well known to all for her warm heart and sparkling intelligence. As Wild said, "Does anyone really believe that a marvelous woman like the lady Nethermind would deign to marry a dimwit or a beast?"

That sealed the deal as far as the McMillan household concerned and we all started shouting at the top of our voices, "Long live King Bieber, all hail to the king of Second Sweden!"

The laird then continued to inform us that he was going to support the kings claims to the throne. It was not at this time known how the republicans on Solace Island would take the news but it was known that they had also shown love towards Taco in earlier days so hopefully they would accept the ascension.


  1. Well Apmel, bosom buddy, if you wish to see him naked I am sure it can be arranged...

  2. Remember Ragnvald Knaphövde:


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