Thursday, August 25, 2011

Beach Party

Wesley in the center of attention
I remember Wesley Spengler from my earliest months in SecondLife, actually I think he may have been among the three first DJ I heard in-world. In those days Wesley had a Euro time slot also, before he became too busy in his real life. I always loved going to his parties because he has such a wonderful way of connecting with the audience.

Last night I went to his party because I happened to be awake at 4 a.m. in my morning. It was great fun,! Wes and the lovely Kharissa Indigo, who has hosted his parties for a long time and also is a Second Pride Board member, one of the only two women on the board.

They work very well together and kept the guys in a great mood. You always know when there is a good host because the guys chat in local and you see they are having fun. When I got there they were actually talking about IKEA and lingonberries.

Jeff doing his thing and me watching him move.
To my surprise and joy Jeff Ellsworth was there also, which gave me the opportunity to do a closer inspection of his most recent extreme makeover.

Stunning, I must say, absolutely stunning.

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