Friday, August 19, 2011

Damn Firefox 6

I have been using Mozilla Firefox as my favorite web browser for a very long time. Yesterday I was alerted that there was a new version, the Mozilla Firefox 6, so I installed it.

The new version doesn't work for me at all. It just keeps on loading, loading, loading, loading...and yes, still loading... I cannot move out of the spot.

The worst thing is it is not possible to download the version I was using previously (version 5.something.something) but I have to downgrade all the way down to 3.6.

And with all the installs and uninstalls trying to make version 6 work, I lost all my bookmarks. Damn!


  1. Got Firefox 7,0 a couple of minutes ago it seems a lot faster and smoother running

  2. hmm i updated too this morning and i havent had any problems at all..did have graphic problems with the version before tho... are you sure you really got it installed correct as mine didnt first time....

  3. The Mozilla Firefox page tells me that 6.0 is the latest version, Sjöfn, at least for Windows, but I will look for the 7.0 version.

    Vampi, I dont know, it seemed to download and install properly. And i have removed and reinstalled about 8 times, still get the same shit.

    ...and now the version I got that worked has turned itself into "safe mode" and I cannot get out of it arrghhh

    I think I will just go to bed and then spend my 16 days off from work trying to get my web-browser to work. ;/

  4. Haha lets see, now I could update from the 3.6 to the 5.1 - which hopefully will work

    And I also found the Firefox 7.0 beta version and downloaded it..

  5. Well, now my faith is restored in Firefox again, the 7.0 Beta is running smoothly as did the 5.1 - hopefully it will continue that way ;)

  6. Firefox is VERY slow. Try Google Chrome, it is simple and fast!

  7. Testing Firefox 8,0b02, called Aurora, even faster then 7,0 but no add ons works. - have to use both 7,0 and 8,0

  8. My Firefox-problems continue so I have migrated to Google Chrome. It takes some getting used to, but as you say Eddi, it is fast!


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