Friday, August 19, 2011

A Must Read

There is a wonderful post on the Internet that has received over 36 000 comments - dare I say postmoderated - since it was published two days ago.

Read it and then weep a little and then be very, very happy about wonderful kids, wonderful mothers and fathers and that there is love in the world!

Click the picture to read the rest of the post! Did I say it is wonderful already...?


  1. Amazing huh :D

    Kinda reminds me of my parents and their reaction when I finally gathered the courage to make my 'big announcement'... They just said they had known for a long while and it was ok. And yeah I was kinda disappointed they ruined my dramatic moment... LOL

    Bigggest hug to all those wonderful parents out there!

  2. Haha that sort of happened to me too. When we kids reached puberty, my parents suddenly started to talk to each other - so that my sister and I could hear them - how they would be perfectly OK whatever sexual preferences we kids might have as long as we were happy. (All for my benefit, because my sister had already started breaking the boys hearts...)

    Agree with you all the way on the hugs!

  3. Such a loving blogpost.

    Hihihi Guyke... I´m sure you got some drama somewhere else then. Breaking boys hearts for example. :-)


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