Saturday, August 13, 2011

I Switched To The Firestorm Viewer

I have been reluctant to switch from the Phoenix viewer because it has worked wonderfully for me. I have very seldom experienced crashes and almost never felt any lag expect when that must be expected.

Well with all the talk about mesh coming and how important it was to get ready for that change I finally dared to take the big step, especially after watching Jessica Lyon video tutorial four (4) times about how to configure the Firestorm to look like viewer 1. I also remembered the praises for Firestorm by my friends Ziggy Starsmith, my regular tech-head Vampi Twine-DeSantis and Sven Idyll.

So far everything seems to be working as promised, and I have all my stuff back in their regular locations on my screen. Next thing will be to see how it works for me when I am doing my thing, but I´ll leave that for another day.


  1. Followed all steps as shown in that video, still got that feeling 'omg what's this crap'. The unfriendly interface is there, same as Linden's viewer, you can't get rid of it but just 'mask' a bit... Didn't amuse me but oh well anything IS better than V2.

  2. we WILL do a overview of things when you get online bock buddy:) ... the money thing you had problems with yesterday... its easier than you think to fix - no more sending 1 linden back and forth - just click the linden balance to update!
    yeah! i didnt believe it either till i tried...

  3. LOL BIL, I thought it came pretty damned close to viewer 1, so I am not upset at all. Rather looking forward to learning how it works actually.

    Thanks Vampi, my dear tech-head and Chief Technical Consultant in everything to do with tech stuff, I will be happy for all and any tips! ;)

  4. I'm using Firestorm now, since Friday. I did the stuff in the video to make it look better and feel more like Phoenix, the thing I really hate though is my IMs and my group notices all stuck at the bottom right hand side of the screen. I preferred my IMs on the left above my chat bar and notices at the top, I hope eventually I will be able to customise that too.

  5. Ah Spanki, I moved my IMs and group chats up to the upper left hand corner and resized it to my liking. I keep them all together and use vertical tabs. I think this is shown in the video too.

    The notices I haven´t been able to move yet and I cannot remember seeing it on the video, but I and my Technical Consultant, Mrs Vampi Twine-DeSantis, are going to go through it all soon.

    If I learn away to get the notices up on top right - which is where I also prefer them I will let you know! ;)


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