Sunday, August 17, 2014

Badass Performance Art

A 26 y.o. Russian-born performance artist, Mischa Badasyan, has announced his latest project, which is named "Save the date".

In this art project the Mischa will attempt to have sex with a different man every day for a year, starting in September. According to what the artist has told Arts.Mic, the goal of the project is to "explore the link between loneliness and casual sex", believe it or not.

To facilitate finding the 365 men he needs Mischa, who currently resides in Berlin, Germany, has downloaded the meet-up apps Grindr and Scruff, but also intends to use more traditional ways to pick up guys.

If you should wish to assist Mischa in his project and schedule a session, you can contact Mischa via email or through F*c*book Mischa Badasyan on F*c*book
"Art is not a crime" the graffiti says. The picture is from
another of Mischa's performance projects named "Adbusters"

Now here is a challenge for our SecondLife performance artist SaveMe Oh to tackle. What on earth can she come up with to outdo this badass (Yes, this is a play on Mischa's extremely suitable surname) performance , I wonder... 


  1. Sex??? People still do that???

    1. Nahhh, only really avantgarde performance artists do that... The rest of us avail ourselves of modern technology to get off.


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