Saturday, November 5, 2016

Superheroes - The Party, Today at 1-3PM SLT

"Deadpool" by Tomais Ashdene

We are celebrating Dejerrity Mycron's 10th rezday & Tomais Ashdene's 8th rezday

Saturday November 5, 2016, at 1-3PM SLT

The Superhero Venue at Southern Charm (SLurl) sim in SecondLife

What to wear
Any kind of superhero or - heroine outfit


Don't worry about them, just share the happiness. If you must there will be birthday-jars set up.

Music, dance and pleasant conversation
DJ Kahvy will be playing the tunes with sexy host Garrett.

Euro friends, please note, that due to the change in DST the party starts at 21.00 CET!

All our friends are welcome!

1 comment :

  1. Looks like a fun party. Would like to go, but my sister in in town. The family is going out to eat. Have fun. Congrats Djerrity and Tomals.


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