Saturday, September 1, 2018

SP Board Election: Voting September 1 - 8

Get your asses in gear, members of Second Pride. Voting in the board election started today and continues through midnight September 8.
You have two positions to choose your preferred candidate for, Marketing and Build.

If you haven't read up on the candidates running for the position before - you slackers - you can do so before voting by going to the Second Pride website (url). Click the 2018 Election tab and a roll down menu will pop-down.

In the menu, you can find the candidate statements and their responses to the questions that have been posed to them.

To vote, go to the Second Pride sim (url), there will be voting booths set up for your voting-convenience.

Click the candidate you wish to vote for and you get a blue menu. "Address" is just a note card, when you click "Vote" it will register your vote.

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