Saturday, November 10, 2018

I Love Snaps!

I don't usualluý drink much, but this has been an awful day and it's the second time this week I am getting inebriated. On Thursday we had a planning conference at work with dinner and today we had a chairman resign, so I am allowed.
I identify mostly as a European and Scanian, but when it comes to my drinking habits I am all Swedish. I love and adore snaps. I've already finished an Örtagårds brännvin, a Skåne Akvavit, a Herrgårds Akvavit and a Läckö Slottsakvavit (50 ml each), but I am not done yet. There is at least a Bäska droppar and O.P. Andersson Aqvavit requiring my attention.

See you all tomorrow - late...  

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