Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Wookey Project Corp. Buys Sansar

Linden Lab announced today that the virtual world of Sansar has been sold to The Wookey Project Corporation.
In their online statement about themselves Wookey says:
Wookey started from our own experience. Just like you, we saw the limitations of flat, one-dimensional internet interaction. With each experience, the frustration grew. It’s evident that algorithms are telling me what it wants, not hearing what I need.
What if we could create online experiences that were unbiased and arranged by relevance to us, not by advertisers or bias of company? We realized, with the right team and the right investors, we can.
Wookey was born. We endeavor to create a new generation of online AR/VR experiences that allows users the power of collaborative interaction through knowledge immersion.
That sounds rather exciting, doesn't it? Perhaps I should not give up my Sansar account yet.

P.S. This might be a good time to rebut all the many rumors that The BMcM Corporation had any interest in acquiring Sansar. (The fact that it was the only shareholder of the company who was disseminating the rumors did not help either, but how does one tell a laird to STFU?)

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