Showing posts with label Brendan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brendan. Show all posts

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wild & more - grand opening today!!!

(Picture stolen from "Tinas universum")

I got this note from my friend the swedish singer-songwriter Wildstar Writer that I would like to share parts of it with you all!

"HELLO :-))
I have finally decided to open up a Venue of my own. Managed by Rianna Wisent in Pearls Paradise Sim. A mature and wonderful carribean looking sim.

The Venue will have LIVE shows and also on occasions DJ music.

The opening I hope will be a great one with CraigLyons Writer, myself Wildstar Writer, Lefty Delwood and Hazideon Zarco up on stage. At Saturday the 29th of may 11:00 am SLT

I would like to take this chance to say thank you to all people that have been around supporting me in my music along the 3 years i have been rolling things in SL. Many friends have come along and crossed my path in SL. Thanks for everything.

In the future the venue will maintain itself in the management of Rianna Wisent. As a weekly runned live show venue.

Hours and calender will be sent out in group postings. Feel free to join the Wild & More venue group when visiting us.

Some other artist that will be sheduled weekly with us will be:
Bara Jonson
Tommie Scorpio
Lefty Delwood
Brendan Shoreland
Ciske Crumb
Marky Helstein¨
Wildstar Writer
among a few.....

If you are interested in performing at this venue feel free to contact Rianna Wisent.

At last I wanna say WELCOME at any time here and I wish you all the best in your walks of SL ground.

Wildstar Writer"