Showing posts with label Eva Brunne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eva Brunne. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Oopps, did we just blow our cover?"

Photo by Anders Wiklund/Scanpix
"The racism that says that you are not worth as much as I am, that you will not have the same rights as me and you are not worth a life of freedom, and that for a single reason - that we happen to be born in different parts of our world - it is not worthy of a democracy like ours to make a difference between people" is what the Bishop of Stockholm Eva Brunne said today at the inauguration ceremony of the Swedish Riksdag (The Swedish parliament). 

At this point all the representatives from the Sweden Democrats rose from their seats in the Storkyrkan (The Great Church) in Stockholm and marched out in protest with all their entourage.

If someone leaves a church, which they have voluntarily entered into, because someone says what the bishop said, they have stamped themselves as xenophobes. 

I wonder if that is really what the Sweden Democrats had intended, but I am happy they did. 

Ahhhhhhhhh it is glorious and a true delight to be alive when one can witness moments like this! 

The dear bishop may need a speech writer - thats one of the worst sentences I have ever seen - but I share her sentiments with all my being, even if I am an atheist. 
