My newly acquired friend Marcellias invited me to a Sunday picnic at his beautiful retreat in the skies yesterday. The food was ample and the bar was open, so all was good!
As Marcellias had told me I could bring along some friends my son Guyke, Jared Palianta and Butch Diavolo came along. We had a splendid time meeting and chatting with Marcellias other friends, who all seemed to be a really friendly, sociable and gregarious group of people.
As I am a bit of a
"time-fascist" (as the Swedish expression goes), i.e. I believe that one should arrive when one is asked to by the host. I arrived on the premises about three minutes after the time stated on the invitation, which of course meant I had to wait for the others, who have a more lax attitude, to arrive at their convenience.
This time I did not mind it at all because there were friendly people to talk with and lots to look at.
The beautiful Harlow Collins arrives |
When all the 15 or so guests had assembled the entertainment started. First with some beautiful fireworks and later on with pleasant chat and - on my insistence - even some dancing.
When some of the friends I had brought along started bragging about how accomplished builders they were I simply had to prove myself so I pulled out one of my very few builds in
SecondLife, the famous and absolutely fabulous
"The Jester's Hat" (this time the Rainbow-version).
Jared, Tex, Guyke, David, Harlow, myself and Finn dancing
in the fabulous Rainbow Jester's Hat by BMc; Creations |
It was of course an immediate success as it always is when presented to people with impeccable taste and a great sense for fashion, i.e. the most daring and fashion forward, the true fashionistas.
I had originally only planned to stay for an hour, because I had to log off for bed early as I was starting work today, but ended up being at the picnic for more than two hours and very late for bed. When I had to rush away all the rest stayed on and I would not be surprised if they stayed all night!
Thank you so much for inviting me ,Marcellias!