Showing posts with label Kandinsky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kandinsky. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Rezday, Kandinsky!

Have a great day and get loads of presents.

Yeah I changed the picture, because I liked this one better.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Survey on Virtual Grief

Photo courtesy of Millimina Salamander
Yesterday I received a note card from my friend Kandinsky Beaumont and from the "Remembering Our Friends" group in SecondLife that I would ,like to share with you.

"Have you ever created a memorial page or a group in the Internet?

Have you ever attended a virtual memorial service, commemorations or a wake in a game?

Has a close family member or a friend deceased lately and you would like to share your thoughts about mourning, memorialization and honoring the memory of the deceased?

I am a Finnish doctoral student from the University of Turku, Digital culture, and my doctoral thesis is about digitalization of death and mourning rituals in virtual environments (more about me:

I am looking for people to fill out a short 10 question survey and/or join me for an interview either in Second Life or through e-mail. Please fill out your e-mail or SL-name in the questionnaire form, if you would like to be contacted later.

I am grateful for all help possible in my study! Please pass on this message to anyone it might interest.

With kind regards,
Morita Hoxley a.k.a. Anna Haverinen"

I would like to encourage everyone to share their experiences with Morita/Anna!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Party Pictures - Apmel 4 y.o.

Everyone was there, absolutely everyone - or almost...

Kandinsky Beaumont was beautiful as usual (the hostess had been up all night building the party place) Apmel was sweeter than usual, and everyone else looked stunning but there was one guy looking more stunning than the rest.

I hope you all notice how I very subtly zoom in on him... (I actually can be subtle when I want to, which I don´t always want as much as people around me would wish.)

Well, anyway a guy is allowed to look isn´t he? From his profile I could see this particular "sujet d'intérêt" is mostly in "InWorldz" so that feels pretty safe because I sure as hell am not going to stalk anyone in that place.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

RSVP to Kandinsky Beaumont

In a comment to one of my earlier posts I found an invitation from Kandinsky Beaumont.

In adherence with the rules of Emily Post I would like to respond in the same manner.

Dearest Kandi,
Thanks so much for the invitation, I would love to attend!

Bock McMillan

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 24

Den gåtfulla Kandinsky Beaumont bedårar och berör oss här lika mycket som med sina dikter.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Äntligen var Valentindagen här!!!

Jag inledde den stora dagen med att åka i väg för att krama en Linden.

Tyvärr fanns varken Philip, Torley, BlueTeddy eller ens lille Rodrigo från chat-supporten där, så jag fick hålla tillgodo med att krama Cudly Linden istället. Lindens kramanimation var alldeles bedrövlig så det såg ut så hä det var tur kanske så fick jag inga tjejbaciller.

Luftpussar med Curly Linden

Därefter åkte jag ut för att shoppa ringar till Ars och mig för att ge honom som en Valentin-gåva. Med mig hade jag den bäste "personal shopper" som finns i hela SL, min vän Gilgalahad Gunsberg. Förutom att känna till alla bra ställen så är han en av de "hunkigaste" karl-avatarerna som finns, och en av de klokaste och vänligaste också. (Han får inte vara med på bild!)

Sedan var det dags för årets näststörsta händelse, den största är "Vimmel" på tisdagen den 16 februari 2010, kl. 20.00, Valentine-festen anordnad av dronningen, Gittrika Mint, Vampi Twine och Annabella Lundquist.

Tack för en välordnad och trevlig fest, töser! Det gjorde ni jättebra!

Överblicksbild i ett tidigt skede av festen

Här ses jag med Millimina och mina security guys
Foto: Millimina Salamander

Kandinsky Beaumont med den absolut häftigaste outfiten (hade hon varit kvar till slutet hade hon säkert vunnit) och Berra Soderstrom (som karlsloken visade sig heta, tack Vampi!).

Bejiita Imako visar sin söta rumpa

Sötast rumpa hade dock Irwin Blanchere