Showing posts with label Kristen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kristen. Show all posts

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Seventh Day of Second Pride (Now With Corrected Typos)

(I first posted this at 5 AM my time, I clearly shouldn't have because the typos and misspellings were really embarrassing. I have checked and corrected everything now, hopefully I got them all..)

The evening started with a party led by DJ Shea Paule. As i understand it DJ Shea substituted with extremely short notice for another DJ that had gone AWOL.It was not noticed in his play list, he played us a good mix of great music.
SJ Shea & hubby Kristen
Jeff in his usual position
Here we see what Jeff see´s and what he doesn't ever see, namely his nice ass. Isn´t it strange? The strong, silent and shy men always catch my interest? (Maybe it´s because I am such a damned loudmouth myself , but I will not tell any of you that little secret.)
Myles Capalini showing his moves.

The second set of the evening was with DJ Hotboy. (MJshotboy Skytower - as his full in-world name is - was accompanied by his partner Ohiomike Lockjaw, otherwise a studelicious man who unfortunately remained unrezzed as a big sexy cloud so I will not post pictures of him.)

Hotboy played an awesome mix of good tunes filled in with crowd pleasing gay anthems, (newer versions of the the classics and some modern anthems like Lady Gaga´s "I was born this way"). As I have said before, if ever there is a time and a place for gay anthems it sure as hell is Pride.

There is really only one small thing I have to object about DJ Hotboy and that is his terrible habit of yelling in the microphone. He really is a good and creative enough DJ and we actually do feel his energy without it. The yelling pisses me off I am afraid - everytime.
DJ Hotboy
mtd Timeless
Tylendel Falconer & Nanaki Raymaker, both from the Second Pride board with blogger Jeff Ellsworth in the background

Me being "artsy" and trying to take pictures through the water covering the floor
Another artsy attempt, see above.

Elorian Scarbridge and awesome DJ Butch Diavolo hitting it off