Showing posts with label LeLutka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LeLutka. Show all posts

Friday, December 17, 2021


At the moment I am engaged in a roleplay at Pandemonium. It's about Angels, Demons and Mortals, the Demons are using and abusing the poor sinful Mortals and my job is to save their immortal souls and guide them to heaven. 

Problem is, many of the mortals don't want to be saved because they enjoy the BDSM roleplay... so our job is cut out for us.

Anyhoo, I have updated to a new LeLutka Head and a EvoX face (you can see the pores), as well as a Belleza Jake body. Don't I look stunning?

I haven't engaged in roleplaying before to any significant extent, so it still feels a bit strange but I am sure I'll get used to emoting and such after awhile.