Showing posts with label SLRR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SLRR. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Introducing Ashdene Logistics

My husband Tomais has recently bought a new warehouse at a prime location in Bedstraw, close to the SecondLife Railroad (SLRR) and the main roads on the mainland. The location has been chosen to facilitate switching transport mode from railroad to road-borne and vice versa.

Yesterday the new premises were opened for business after Tomais having worked for days with the work requiring electro-technical skills, like installing fire security, logistical software and other niceties. Meanwhile, I was used as a menial laborer doing the heavy carrying and the cleaning.

As my Tomais says, "We are a team and share responsibilities depending on our skill-sets. This job does not require the ability to perform brain surgery or have an intimate knowledge of the fine lines of diplomacy, nor does it require historical insight into the Israel-Palestine conflict. You do what you can do, stop whining and get on with it!"

The opening of Ashdene Logistics at Bedstraw
Photo by Tomais Ashdene
The new warehouse also marks the introduction of Ashdene Logistics, a division of Ashdene Aviation, to the transport market of SecondLife.

Ashdene Logistics will transport anything from one place on the SecondLife grid to the other regardless of volume, weight, and size for a fair price. All your orders will be handled by the highly professional princesses and princes of Southern Charm, dating is optional.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Travelling on the SecondLife Railroad

I may have told you before about my wonderful husband Tomais need to own every vehicle created in SecondLife from 2010 and forward.

Previously this urge was mainly centered on unicycles, bicycles, tricycles, cars, trucks, sailboats, motorboats, barges, blimps, balloons and airplanes of every size, shape, and type known to urbanized man. Well, now my sweet and lovely man has found a new kind of vehicle. Trains.

Yesterday we were traveling on the SecondLife railroad (SLRR) which covers a couple of hundred regions of SecondLife mainland, while Tomais was introducing Lee McMay to his new addiction. Connor Collins, one of Lee's friends from Steamworkz was with us.

We traveled from where Tomais and Lee have their "siding", I believe that's what the parking place for the train is called, all the way to our friend Petr's station at Burn.

I always thought that the mainland was rather ugly, but parts of the landscaping along our route was beautiful.