Showing posts with label bench. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bench. Show all posts

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Quarreling Bench

At Southern Charm there is a special place where Ars and I would go whenever we had a quarrel and wanted to make up again.

Huh, you thought we were always lovey dovey? No way, José!

Both Ars and I always had strong opinions, strong wills and a talent for verbalizing our thoughts, feelings and opinions, so of course there where clashes. Not many and rather far apart and fairly irregularly we would clash and tempers would rage for awhile.

The quarrels usually never lasted very long and we always tried to make up before one or the other of us had to log off, but that wasn't always possible. Sometimes Ars would get so mad at me that he felt it was better to just log off before something irreparable was said. This happened about three or four times during our time together. At other times we would just go to opposite corners of our sim or just leave the sim and not talk in IM.

I always hated when Ars logged off during a quarrel the most and was terribly infuriated by that.

There I was all pumped up and having a lot on my mind to tell him when - Poof - he cut off all communications by logging off. Usually I would get an email an hour or two later where he told me he was sorry and loved me and that he would be back as soon as he had settled down. The longest Ars ever stayed away and didn't email me was eight hours. That was the time I logged off also and created my first alt, Wild Zepp. To settle down I spent my time waiting to hear from Ars giving Wild a total makeover.

Whenever we had quarreled and wanted to make up, the first one to cave in would go to the bench and sit and wait for the other to come. The wait was usually not very long. Sitting on the bench we would talk things through. We listened carefully to what the other said and did our very best to understand the others point of view, it could take hours but we sat through it - always.

There was never any doubt for either of us, that we still loved - and were loved - by the other