So what do four gay men, from different corners of the world, do when they are together in SecondLife, in these the end times when world events will reach a climax and we will either meet our makers to attain redemption or be sent straight to hell or perhaps just peter out into gaseous steam into the all-consuming universe?
Well, these four men listened to music, danced and played with the "It's Not All Mine"-Cum HUD for Men (link to SL-Marketplace).
The creator of this HUD must have had a lot of fun when they got this brilliant idea. The user can disperse their cum at a selected body part in or on someone else nearby. The cum only comes off with Linden water (i.e. stepping into it or taking a shower) or if someone licks or sucks it (choice also available in the HUD).
Well, these four men listened to music, danced and played with the "It's Not All Mine"-Cum HUD for Men (link to SL-Marketplace).
The creator of this HUD must have had a lot of fun when they got this brilliant idea. The user can disperse their cum at a selected body part in or on someone else nearby. The cum only comes off with Linden water (i.e. stepping into it or taking a shower) or if someone licks or sucks it (choice also available in the HUD).
Photos courtesy of JJ GoodmaNZ.