Ever since I was a very young boy I have had a special attraction to redheads. Any and every shade of red would fascinate and enthrall me, from ash blonde over carrot, copper, brick to dark chestnut. Preferably in combination with as many freckles as possible and green eyes.
Marc Goldfinger (model) |
I can still remember when I was a boy of four in a country far, far away how I used to admire a Swedish girl with carrot red hair, loads of freckles and green eyes. Her name was Ann and she did not appreciate my admiration, so she used to kick my ass around regularly or slap me stupid if I said anything. She was two years older than I so it was an easy match for her. This abuse continued even after I got stronger than her, because I would never lift a hand against her, until our ways separated when she moved back to Sweden with her family when I was eleven.
Even after that I have almost always had a redhead - more or less - close to me in someway, except for the last few years.
Blu Kennedy, gay ex-porn actor with a cute smile,
awesome legs and other fine assets |
My last (latest?) redhead so far is a man I used to meet purely for sex over a period of six or seven years. He was living with a woman - or so he claimed - and was extremely secretive about everything about himself, although he knew everything about me as I am sort of semi-well known in my local community and occur with irregular intervals in the press and other media in connection with my work. (
P.S. Well, I was too harsh there. It was actually not only for sex, there was more. But whatever that was he never dared meet me outside my apartment for fear of being seen by someone who knew him.)
I broke it off with the guy when I got serious with my
Ars, partly because of Ars but to a great part also because the imbalance in our relationship made me sick. He would contact me or come around to my home whenever he felt like it and expect me to happily greet him and be ready for a quickie or something longer depending on his schedule, while I did not have the same benefits. He still sends me messages on a Swedish gay news and cruising site and tells me he wants to meet, but I am not in the mood for anymore of him - not yet at least and never if we do not change the balance.