Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Swedes of SecondLife Rejoice

After Bara Jonson's set at the grand opening of Neo Audran´s "New Town of Sweden" I had a small chat with him.

After we had first discussed the difficulties in getting good hired help in SecondLife Bara told me he had been informed that the Swedish television company SVT had bought the rights to air HBO´s documentary "When Strangers Click" which premiered in the United States on Valentine´s day.

In this documentary they - among other stories - show the love story of Bara and his wife Nickel Borelly, who after meeting in SecondLife succeeded in transferring it over into real life.

Bara had not yet been informed when SVT will air the program, but let´s all hope we don´t have to wait for next Valentine´s Day.


I read a strange and awful story - yet a bit amusing, about the painter Nadia Plesner. She has been sued twice now by Luis Vuitton for including one of their hand bags in a painting she made.

The painting is called Darfurnica (as Nadia Plesner claims it is a modern version of Pablo Picasso's Guernica).

The image of the child with the hand bag has been used as a part of Nadia Plesner´s work with Darfur She has used the money raised from selling t-shirts with that image and has initiated shipments of medical help to Darfur.

You can read more about it and support the project here:

For the full story please go to Nadia Plesner´s blog post. In the same post Nadia Plesner asks for everyones financial aid to defend herself.

I strongly urge you to support Nadia Plesner.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Opening Today: New Town of Sweden

Neo Audran and his hostess Annabella Lundquist are welcoming us all to the opening of the new sim "New Town of Sweden" today at 10 AM.

There will be musical entertainment by two famous SecondLife performers also, at 11 AM by Bara Jonson and at 12 AM by Wildstar Writer.

Your limousine to the event is here!

Monday, March 7, 2011

To the Women of the World

The fact that a minority group of less than half of the worlds population is actively and systematically oppressing and depriving the majority group of their full and equal rights is a mass-discrimination that never ceases to amaze me.

The fact also that men get away with this again and again and yet again is totally bewildering to me and so is the fact that this no longer seems to be an issue in society of today or even among many women. After all it is our mothers, daughters and sisters that are being constantly deprived, abused, raped, mutilated, murdered, bought and sold like cattle and systematically underpaid, exploited and humiliated.

We need a change and the change will certainly not come from the men. So women of the World get your act together and unite! Only you can do it and we need you to do it for a better future for all human beings with full and equal rights for all.

Hell yes, you can do it!

Oh yeah and have a Happy International Womens Day...

Sunday at Elfay´s

Well, my dear Elfay has now decided to move her show "Elfay Pinkdot´s Coffee and Pajamas Jazz Show" to Sundays, 10 AM - 12 AM, at Circe´s Sunset Jazz Club (which is the oldest jazz club in SecondLife, it´s been around since 2004).

Yesterday I was there for Elfay´s Mardi Gras Special and so where many of "the usuals suspects", the big group of steady patrons. We are the ones that follow Elfay through hell and high water, come what may etc. etc.

All of us come to the show for the great music (mostly jazz), Elfay´s bantering and the usually great and inspired chat running in local throughout the show.

One of the many interesting things to look forward to is to see what outfits the group turns up in.

I hadn't changed since the evening before, except I wore my new well-earned bead necklaces. At Mardi Gras women earn their beads by showing their boobs, but as a man I have no boobs to show so I´ll leave you all guessing how I earned them this time...

My dear friend Diana during the show switched into one of the scariest voodoo witches I have seen since looking at a InWorldz-blog. LilTank has sworn to make a new pajama for every one of Elfay´s shows this year, and this time he looked really awesome.

Joetonight left way too early, before I had gotten my camera out.

The group shot taken at the end of yesterdays show

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Clear Your Calendars

The dates for the Second Pride Festival have been set. Second Pride will be from Sunday May 22nd until Sunday May 29th, 2011.

Clear your calendars, boys,girls, men and women and all those of us somewhere in between it´s time for more of "Where are all these homosexicals coming from?" and "The lesbians are here! Hey!"

Further information will be forthcoming as soon as it reaches this blogger, so remember too check in here often!

My World Is Getting Crowded

I remember when Ars and I moved in on this sim in January 2008. There used to be just a few sims close to us, now there are loads and loads. My sim is the one dead centre.

Is this the result of the current crisis in "InWorldz", are all the refugees coming to my neck of the woods?

Well they are very welcome to a better place - most of them! One of these days I´ll go around visit them all to wish them welcome.