Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Extreme Makeover

As a blogger I feel I must - at least sometimes - allow myself to be influenced by complaints from my readers.

Although I will always maintain that this is my blog and I bloody hell right what I want to as long as stay well within the scope of the blog providers rules, the Swedish law and normal human decency.

Today I received a complaint from another blogger that my blog header was way too blurry and she kindly offered me a sharper image. I rejected the proposal and decided to try a new look without reverting to black, so I landed on this transparent-grey-white beehive look.

As a blog header I chose a picture that SecondLife photographer Kent Hutchinson took. I am still in my "dead eyes" in the picture, but you will have to live with that. Hope you like it because I am sticking with it until December!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Annoying SLebrity Takes A Stand

The famous - or perhaps even infamous - SecondLife performance artist and machinima creator extraordinaire SaveMe Oh today takes a stand against bullying on her weblog, "Stay With Your Filthy Hands Off Of My Swedish Friends".

I should think that SaveMe considers her whole SecondLife existence as an act of performing art because she usually creates uproar wherever she goes - usually somewhere in the SecondLife art community - by being as an agent provocateur. By her own admission she has been banned at more than 100 sims.

Admittedly SaveMe often annoys me but today she became my heroine and made my day by confronting one of the five leading Swedish bullies head on.

According to the opponents blog. she considers the conversation to be "threatening" and has now supposedly made an abuse report to Linden Lab, which shouldn't ´t lead to anything except a waste of valuable time.

From Second Life Wiki
Disclosing private Second Life conversations: Sharing or posting a conversation inworld or in the Second Life forums without consent of all involved Residents is a violation of the Terms of Service.
NOTE: This does not include posting of chat to social media sites or other websites. Posting such logs on web pages, emailing them, or printing them out and posting them on utility poles in the "real world" -- are all actions beyond the scope of the Second Life Terms of Service.; while that might be illegal, but those laws must be enforced by the proper law enforcement agencies."Conversation" means text that originally came from Second Life chat or Second Life instant messages. If it's totally unattributed, then it isn't considered disclosure. Additionally, Residents are not punished for sharing or posting a comment such as "Bob Resident said, 'You're the greatest!'" (My underlinings)

Treasure Found

My sister Millimina yesterday asked to see a picture of me when I was still a brunette in SecondLife. While I was rummaging through my Inventory I accidentally came across this picture showing my Ars, me, our son Guyke and my brother in-law Andrey relaxing together.

I cannot remember this particular occasion but I still intensely remember the feeling of belonging and of being together.

Ever since Ars passed away I have been meaning to go through all the snapshots, but the task feels overwhelming.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Sailors Are Here!

Read more about this week long event at Eddi Haskell´s Second Life!

Imagine Peacefest - Final Day

Sunday November 13
6 – 8am: Discussion with Dr. Andrew, SpeakEasy, Four Bridges

8 – 10am: A World Dance Party with images and art from around the world at Daft House Den and Carnival

11 – 12pm: Poetry – open mic

12 – 1pm: Pol Arida, singer/songwriter, and artwork by Second Renoir & Trill Zapatero, Solace Island
1 – 2pm: DRUM! Solace Island


1 – 2pm: RAWA Boho Hobo Fashion Show

2pm-3pm: Jana Kyomoon, The music ALL music Peace Park

2pm-4pm RL event - Old Dominon University hosts IMAGINE PeaceFest Spoken Word night. Location: House of Blues at the Webb Center. Featuring:
Nita Hurt
Poetikk Justice
Neisha Purvis
Cassandra IsFree
Members from the Flowetic Movement Poetry Group

3pm- 4pm: Talk by Delia Lake
at Virtually Speaking

4pm-6pm: More than a Peace of Art Auction

6 – 7pm: Virtually Speaking Sundays with Avedon Carol and Sam Seder

7 – 8pm: Louis Volare
8 – 9pm: Cylindrian Rutabaga

You will find me at Solace Island 12 PM - 2 PM SLT for POL Arida´s and DRUM´s sets!

The Old Spice Guy

It´s father´s day in Sweden today and I just got off the phone with my own father.

I love my father dearly and I also know that my father loves me with a deep and unfailing love, just like he has always loved my mother and my sisters. Nonetheless we have always had some problem communicating directly with each other ever since I was an adolescent. For deep heart-to-heart conversations we always needed my mother presence - or one of my sisters - otherwise we end up yelling at each other. It´s strange, really strange, because both of us want to avoid these unnecessary conflicts but we end up misunderstanding each other without an interpreter to cool things down.

My father´s passion for his immediate family stems from his strange childhood, I believe. He was born in the 1930´s when my grandmother and grandfather had not yet been married. Apparently it was a huge scandal those days, so my grandmother traveled with my infant father from the countryside where she was living to the largest town close by.

With the infant boy in her arms she apparently walked the streets of the small town and asked women she met if they would like to have him and take care of him. Finally she met a woman who agreed to do this and my father was handed over to the other woman.

My father did not meet his mother again until he was 18 years old. The reason for this meeting was that he was going to do his military service and the military asked him which of three surnames was his true one. They sent him to his birth mother to find out. Dad went to meet her together with my mother, whom he had met and fallen madly in love with when he was 15.

At the meeting my grandmother told my father that she had married my grandfather soon after dropping off my father. They now had five more children together. She had however never considered bringing back my father. The visit was successful in the sense that my father could return to the military and inform them of his correct surname, but in every other way it was seemingly a total disaster.

The contact between my grandmother and my father in particular, but also with my mother, remained strained for the rest of my grandmothers life. I cannot remember meeting her more than at the most 10 times, partly because we were living abroad but also because there was no will on either part to meet.

This background and the intense love between my parents has made us a very close knit family. Both my parents have always showered us kids with love and support in every situation. We still great each other with pecks on the lips and hugs.

Since my childhood there is one scent that I will forever associate with my father, even through the years when it was no longer fashionable, and that is the scent of the original "Old Spice".

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bollywood 2011

Ewa Aska celebrated her fifth rezday in SecondLife with a Bollywood party, and what a party it was!

My buddy Butch Diavolo was kind enough to accompany me there after we had gotten him some suitable attire - which of course means that he was proudly showing a lot of his gorgeous skin and body. He refused to let me use a nice pic of his behind which was cute as hell.

At the party I had terrible problems with lag which doesn't happen that often for me. The lag prevented me from taking pictures during the first half of the evening and in the second half I only got one acceptable one but it´s a beaut! 

Doesn't it look as if Apollon Allen has been working out a lot lately?

Yeah there were also many wonderful women at the party and all of them in colorful silkdresses, but alas my camera was on strike. But I got picks of the two best onse!

As you can see from the picture with Apollon Ewa Hsad done great work with the scenography of the party venue.