Monday, November 21, 2011

Foggy Monday

"Serenity in the fog", photography by Gary Hamburgh
It´s Monday and I didn't sleep well last night. All weekend my head was bursting with images of the things I was going to create now that I had finally started building again in SecondLife. I also had some splendid ideas about future posts for the blog.

I woke up this morning - 35 minutes too late - and all the enthusiasm was gone. Instead I have spent the whole day trying to catch up with myself and my first life after spending last week mostly in meetings or conferences.

Luckily nothing too bad had been going on so by the end of the day I had finally gotten through all the mail and caught up with everything else, so tomorrow I can start afresh without any immediate deadlines or crisis's needing to be averted.

When I got home I was tired but restless and uninspired and cold. I tried taking a nap to refresh myself but couldn't sleep, so I feel foggy, dazed and cold. More or less like the photo by Gary Hamburg but not as beautiful.

I have been rereading Philip Rosedale´s statements in The New York Times interview that have caused such an uproar among residents and trying to fit them to my realities.

Before entering into SecondLife I can honestly say that I could sometimes be alone, but that was never a problem for me because I never ever felt lonely. There were always people at hand if and when I wanted them. Now there are days that I feel lonely even if I am not alone, no matter how many people I am surrounded by.

Ars and the rest of my onetime SecondLife family seem to somehow have changed my perceptions. In the light of Philips words this makes me feel warped and abandoned. I don´t know if I am making any sense at all and may very well remove this post later.

Whatever, tomorrow is another day, anything can happen!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The DJ Insyx Show - Spike

Today´s guest at the DJ Insyx Show will be Spike Clémenceau-Silent (DJ, vampire, blogger and editor at GWNews).

The show will be taped today Sunday November 20th, 2011, at 01.30 PM (time corrected) over at the GWNews TV Studio (SLurl).

Prior to the show you can read up about Spikes interesting second life story on the SecondLife blogs.

Due to the main guests nature and the audience that can be expected it is highly recommended that you take "the garlic necklace treatment" and/or keep a crucifix or a wooden spike handy throughout the taping of the show.

UPDATE The show was cancelled due to unforeseeable technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled in the close future.

"I Know I Have Been in SL Too Long When..."

Avacar Bluestar, editor in chief of Gay-Worlds News, posted a question on his Facebook page.

Help me find the funniest answers to this question. Fill in the blank. 
“I know I have been in SL too long when ______ “

Now he has blogged about it at GWNews "I´ve Been in SL for How Long Now?, go there to read the funny answers and add your own. (You must be logged in to post a comment.) Two of my personal favorites are

Danniel Destiny I go to bed and look for the blue and pink pose balls:

Liir Macarthur I look in my mirror and wish I could change my hair and clothes instantly.


My own response to this question is:
...I use the wheel on my mouse to zoom in on something or try alt+left arrow to look at something from the other side.

Warning to Friends

Calm, cool and collected - or just a very poor self image?
The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, has - finally - started building again.

His head is buzzing with exceptional ideas on fashion accessories, candle sticks, lounge chairs and many other essentials for a good life in SecondLife. Frequent visits have already been made to the Textures R´Us store in search of good fabrics and other textures.

As the laird came late to building and has been preoccupied  with other matters lately his building skills are rusty - to say the least. If you are online when he hits a tight spot you can almost be certain to get a call.

Yesterday he managed to disrupt the lives of Adrina Welders, cobbler extraordinaire with the shop AW Designs, and Chade Dagger, well known studly club owner of Erotes, when he got stuck and remembered there was a way to do things but could not recall how. Adrina was hastily transported from whatever she was busy with to come and inspect and aid the laird.

The laird also made a call to SecondLife live chat for support when he for twenty desperate minutes thought he had blown away half of his humble living accommodations. Luckily he stayed calm, cool and collected and was experienced in all things SecondLife enough to do a relogg before calling up a rollback of the sim by Linden Lab. When he returned after the relogg everything seemed to be back in place (it must have been a camera thingy).

All the members of the McMillan-clan are up on their toes and ready to start the production-lines again. They are all certain that this surge will establish the BMcM Corporation as one of the leading enterprises in SecondLife.

Please be patient, he is crazy but he means well most of the time!

Foam Party at PCL

During the night I dropped in on Pride Colors Landing (PCL) for a foam party with my buddy Sarco Halderman as DJ.

I came in early and didn't stay that long as my time was past 4 AM on Sunday morning. I was tired but had fun as long as it lasted and with Sarco on the deck you can always count on the music being great.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Rock Against Hunger With Strum

I have always been a huge fan of Strum Diesel, the wonderful greenhaired singer/songwriter with the fast lyrics with meaning and a mellow warm voice. He can be serious, he can be fun but he is always charming!

As I haven´t been in-world that much lately it was good seeing and listening to him and his husbanager Stirred Diesel.

The benefit "Rock Against Hunger" took place at a new venue for me named SuperStar. People were friendly and the hosting was good even if I believe the three hostesses could have held back on the gesturbating a bit, especially when the guest artist was on stage singing or playing his music.

A wonderfully constructed avatar - Vrill Tone

Mr. Gay UK 2011

Mr Gay UK is an annual beauty contest for gay men, with regional heats held across the UK.

I voted for contestant #6 Greg Lumley. As I informed the readers of, I find Greg to be breathtaking and totally lickable!

Vote for you favorite here Mr. Gay UK 2011.

Informatioo about Greg Lumley
Age: 27
Region: Middlesbrough
Occupation: Graphic designer

What made you enter Mr Gay UK this year?
Well actually, I wasn’t going to, because I wasn’t really confident enough to do it. But when I got there I just thought why not? You only live once!

How did you feel when you won the heat?
Amazing, I really didn’t think I’d win. I thought the other guys cheers were louder than mine. I was more than chuffed.

How do you feel about the final?
Excited, the other constestants are strong, but I'm really looking forward to the competition.

What will you do with the money if you win?
It might sound boring, but I’d put it towards a deposit for a house.