Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Damaged, But Not Broken

Yesterday was more or less a wasted day. I slept in long, woke up, drank some water, then crawled back to bed again. All day the only memorable thing I did was brush my teeth, nothing else really. I didn't eat, didn't talk to anyone, didn't leave my home and didn't get dressed. I walked around in the flat and slept in my boxers, a t-shirt under a hoodie and thick hiking socks. Not a pretty sight, I can assure you.
Luckily I am off from work until January 2nd, but still I want to do more in my free time than sleep, blog and be in SecondLife.

However I didn't do a worthwhile thing until I finally crawled out of bed at 9 PM to make some coffee. After my first cup of coffee I started reading predictions for 2012 in the SecondLife and virtual worlds blogosphere. That was to a large extent a dreary ordeal.

Every SecondLife blogger with any ambition or pretension to be a serious part of the metaverse had come up with some prophesy or other on what we could expect of 2012. Many seemed to have taken their starting point in Philip Rosedale´s views on SecondLife as he expressed it earlier this year. The "high threshold" and the residents being “Smart people in rural areas, the handicapped, people looking for companionship, they love it. But you have to be highly motivated to get on and learn to use it.” statements.

Some of them even went so far as to say that a vast majority of residents are "broken" (physically. emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually).

I have never ever considered myself broken in any way, shape of form, and certainly not when I first arrived to SecondLife and decided to come back again, again, again and over again for almost five years now. Maybe I have gotten somewhat damaged during my time here, but I sure as hell have not been broken by this life.

Although most of them predict SecondLife will still be around for all of 2012, they still rant on about its high threshold compared to online games like "World of Warcraft", which is one of the fastest growing games and is therefore seen as a model to which SecondLife should adapt to recruit new users. So I went ahead and tried that game to see how easy it would be to join, learn and how interesting it would be in there.

I spent four (4) hours in the trial version of the game. First I must say it was not that easy to sign into. One has to register twice, which I cannot understand the need for and which was totally bewildering because the sign in´s come at different points of the registering process.

Once you are in, you choose if you want to belong to "the good" or "the bad" side and what kind of apparition you want to be in those alliances and how you want to look. Creating your looks isn't as advanced as in SecondLife if you want to vary from the given avatars and the resulting avatar is a disappointment.

After downloading, registering twice on different services (the game itself and something called "Blizzard" - if I remember correctly) and creating my looks for about 30 minutes I spent 3,5 hours honestly trying to give the game a chance to intrigue or fascinate me.

There was never any interaction with real people, just with machine dummies who gave you missions or could bring you to life if you died, all the set was about clicking fast and hard on things you had to kill. I admit, I am easily bored sometimes, but after doing this for 3,5 hours my brain was numb and bored to death by the simplistic shit.
If that's what they think we should strive for I for one don't want any part of it - ever.

Do you finally see to what extremes I am prepared to go so you should not have to, my dear readers?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bora Comes By

Bora Rossini came over for a visit today. We haven´t seen each other for some time, so it was good to talk about what had happened in our lives since the last time we talked and catch up with the others.

While Bora was there we also took the time to look at the memorial for Ars that Bora once very kindly made for me from the huge memorial that stood at Mirromere for a week. Bora cut it down to a quarter of its original size so that it fits perfectly on the parcel, without losing any of its beauty.

Reporting For Duty, My Laird!

Some people are always complaining that "it is so difficult to find good help these days". Those days have lasted for the last five hundred years.

Well, I can tell you I was absolutely thrilled to see my new Sergeant at Arms reporting for duty in full McMillan regalia today.

sirhc DeSantis-McMillan looked so absolutely sexy and cute, as you can see for yourself!

Lucky for him, he is betrothed (or whatever they call it - hmmm ringfasted?) to a dear friend of mine and my First Technical Officer (a.k.a. tech-head) Vampi Twine-DeSantis-McMillan - who also happens to be very scary woman when it pleases her - or I would be scratching his furry back by now.

Just one thing kitten, I usually take the glengarry bonnet off as fast as I can although I always insist on wearing it when first arriving at any function. It really is not the best look for studs like you and I, is it?

Monday, December 26, 2011

"Did I Tell You Today, Babe?"

Bock McMillan: Did I tell you today, babe?
Ars Northmead: No, but I know already
Bock McMillan: Some things need to be said out loud, in fact they deserve to be repeated - constantly
Ars Northmead: Go ahead, babe ;)
Bock McMillan: I love you so much, Ars!
Ars Northmead: I love you too, Bock babe!

Old habits die hard.

Stupid Git #6

cbreak´s bare assed face-off with his copycat,
screen shot by cbreak
An evil-minded twat with far too much time, ill will and energy has taken it upon itself to make a copy of another avatars name, skin and shape and go visiting at the original avatars home and other hangouts.

As the original avatar cbreak is an almost noob I strongly suspect that he himself is only collateral damage and that the maliciousness is first and foremost directed towards his girlfriend in SecondLife, Ms Blanche Argus, who has a rather high profile in the Swedish community.

Both cbreak and Blanche have blogged about their developing friendship and love affair on their blogs. Someone presumably feels they have a reason to be envious of the twos public displays of affection and is in dire need of attention of their own.

Men having issues with their ex-partners choice of a new boyfriends is sadly nothing new, sometimes their jealousy expresses itself in the strangest ways.

The only previous instance I can recall of something like this ever happening was at the height of the Swedish SecondLife drama the summer before last when someone made a copy of PetGirl Bergman and started visiting at her home and at events that she visited.

The best things to do in situations like this are to ban and mute the shitheads, and ask all your friends to do the same.

When they don´t get any further attention they will surely die.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

An Honorary McMillan

On this day H.R.H. Wild Zepp, spokesman for the McMillan household made this declaration.
"The Much Honored Bock McMillan, Laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls etc., etc. today wishes you all a very merry Christmas.
To celebrate the day the laird has decided to name an honorary McMillan. As this is a very special privilege which grant the receiver the full rights to wear the family colors at any occasion he or she chooses and thereby becoming in effect an ambassador for clan McMillan it is no joking matter (although no voting rights or other clan privileges come with this honor).
After due consideration the laird has however found a very worthy recipient and has therefor on this day bestowed the honor upon his Sergeant at Arms sirhc DeSantis. Sirhc is well deserved of this honor due to his support in times of need and distress and for his successful efforts to keep the peace at his and his dear wife units premises and ever where else in SecondLife. 
It so happens that it is also said persons birthday in first life today, but that has had no influence on this decision by the laird and is merely coincidental. 
This kitten is courageous and kind and can go to venues and sims to which no other McMillans have dared to venture in many months. He will carry our offer of peace and goodwill to all!
An order will today be placed with the tartan maker extraordinaire of SecondLife mistress Elle74 Zaftig of the Bellissima establishment. Delivery of the tartan with full regalia should be expected as soon as the holidays are over.
All hail to our newest brother sirhc DeSantis-McMillan!"

The gathered McMillans cheer jubilantly and echo Wild´s final cry and start chanting at the top of their voices, "All hail sirhc, all hail sirhc newest brother of the McMillans" and "Three cheers for brother sirhc, hip-hip Hooray, hooray, hooray!!!"

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Top Ten Reasons For Being A Male Avatar

10. If or when you get bored you can always log off
9. No housekeeping required
8. Clothes never get dirty, except if you want them to
7. Flying skills without tedious lessons
6. Teleportation, you can be anywhere you want in less than 30 seconds
5. There is always a party going on somewhere (the trouble is only to find it)
4. You look stunning even when you feel lousy
3. Your body is always in perfect shape
2. The size of your c**k always suits your own self image

and finally

1. No annoying nasal hair