Showing posts with label Bora. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bora. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ars In Memoriam 2014

Photography by Kent Hutchinson of KH Photo

Joseph Douglas Wilson Jr. a.k.a
Ars Northmead
★ April 21, 1953 (first life)
 October 25, 2006 (SecondLife)
 March 12, 2010

On this day four years ago my beloved husband Ars passed away after a short illness.

Ars' brothers Dejerrity Mycron and Jeb Nicholls arranged a Memorial Service at Calas Galadhon where Truck Meredith and Tymus Tenk kindly let us use the homestead sim Mirromere for a week before, and their main sim for the big Memorial Service on March 20, 2010. Bora Rossini had created a beautiful setting for the memorial.

All of Ars' family and friends in SecondLife gathered there as well as Doug's parents, one of his sisters, his brothers and and even some of his nephews, nieces and cousins, who joined us in front of a computer screen using an avatar they had created.

I have asked for pictures from that memorial service earlier and this year I was happy to receive two from our friend elis Eun.
Photography by elis Eun
Photography by elis Eun
Although I never at the time thought that I would find love and true joy again, as it turns out life can work miracles and today I am happily married to my darling Tomais. I know that Ars would have wished this for me.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bora Comes By

Bora Rossini came over for a visit today. We haven´t seen each other for some time, so it was good to talk about what had happened in our lives since the last time we talked and catch up with the others.

While Bora was there we also took the time to look at the memorial for Ars that Bora once very kindly made for me from the huge memorial that stood at Mirromere for a week. Bora cut it down to a quarter of its original size so that it fits perfectly on the parcel, without losing any of its beauty.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Nobel Prize for Philip Rosedale?!!

Philip in a tuxedo - like I want to see him soon again
So I was dreaming a bit during the night and now I am going to share parts of my dreams with you, dear readers. The dreams were totally wild and crazy but happy ones.

I had a short one about kissing my Ars, it was so real that I even dreamed of feeling his breath on my face. The only thing was my mind could not decide which Ars I was kissing, his SecondLife avatar or his first life person Doug, so it kind of shifted from one to the other all the time.

In my dreams I also remembered the amazing memorial services that were held in Ars honor, first the one at St. Magnus Kirk in Hinterland (arranged by Chade, Hiroku and the other wonderful men at Hinterland) and then the one at the Calas Galadhon Garden sims (arranged by two of Ars´s brothers, Dejerrity and Jeb, and the two owners of Calas Galadhon, Tymus Tenk and Truck Meredith, and finally wonderful builder Bora Rossini).

Come to think of it I really wish I had pictures from those two services, but I was too preoccupied with other things to take any myself.

At both places we had many avatars coming in from all corners of the world to be together and support each other at this point in time and in their busy first life´s. All because we shared a love and admiration for the avatar Ars Northmead and Doug, the man behind the avatar.
The memorial at Mirromere with me, our boys and Millimina
(Photo courtesy of Millimina Salamander)

Did you know that we were more  than 70 avatars at Calas Galadhon for the whole ceremony? And one of the avatars actually had parts of Doug´s first life family sitting there watching the computer screen, his father, his sisters and brothers and some cousin and nephews.

We were all there, from all over the world sharing these moments of remembrance together, being with each other, supporting each other.

The first thing I thought when I woke up was "Philip Rosedale - and possibly Linden Lab also - should be awarded the Nobel Prize!"

The Nobel Prize comes in the following categories Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace, and finally Economic Sciences. The last prize is awarded by Sweden's National bank in Memory of Alfred Nobel.

I can imagine Philip Rosedale receiving the prize in possibly three of the six categories, Physics, Physiology or Medicine and Peace, but maybe also Economic Sciences.

What do you people think? Could he receive the prize? If so, in which category/categories and why? Talk amongst yourselves then tell me. I have a few ideas myself that I may possibly leak.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Treet TV does Calas Galadhon

Treet TV did a beautiful story for Valentines´s day on the beautiful park sims of the wonderful "Calas Galadhon", owned and beautifully created buy Tymus Tenk and Truck Meredith together with their friend the talented builder Bora Rosinni.

Enjoy the beautiful report and then go to the sims for real!

Of course the beautiful temporary memorial for Ars, that was built by the talented Bora, stood at Mirromere. Ty has made the new memorial place an serene and quite place of beauty, I love to go there.

Ars funeral ceremony was held at the main sim Calas Galadhon and a copy of the temporary memorial was moved there for the occasion.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Calas Galadhon utvidgas

Mina vänner Tymus Tenk och Truck Meredith som äger de underbara parksimarna under det gemensamma namnet "Calas Galadhon" berättar att de nu kommer att utvidga de sex existerande simarna med ytterligare två simar.

Som några av er kanske minns var det på en av de redan existerande simarna, "Mirromere", där det underbara tillfälliga minnesmärket till min älskade Ars fanns uppfört under en månads tid.

De två nya simarna heter "Armenlos" och "Misty Mountains".

På "Armenlos" har en annan av mina vänner Bora Rossini uppfört vackra byggnader i stil med de som finns på den grekiska ön Santorini. Alla lägenheter i staden har inretts av Truck.

På "Misty Mountains" har den fantastiske landskapskonstnären Tymus vidareutvecklat det underbara skogstemat från "Mirromere", men med en vildare natur.

De båda nya simarna ligger norr om "Mirromere". De kommer inte att öppnas för allmänheten förrän någon gång i mitten av juli 2010, men jag ger er SLurlen till Calas Galadhon redan här. Vissa av oss, inga namn nämnda, är inbjudna till invigningsceremonierna nu på lördag den 10 juli 2010.

Calas Galadhon drivs helt utan vinstsyfte. Det är det fritt och gratis tillträde överallt. Den som vill uppmuntras dock att stödja den amerikanska Cancerfonden (vid landningsplatsen). Tymus säger på deras egen hemsida: "Truck and I have always approached our work on Calas Galadhon as a 'gift' to our friends and SL family. A place where all can come, noob & seasoned veteran, feel safe and enjoy what the Park has to offer. No shopping, no tenants, just park. Truck and I make it a point to be available to our guests as much as possible ... to visit, help and be there to greet as we can."

Länk till Calas Galadhons hemsida, där ni bland annat kan läsa att det också går bra att gifta sig gratis i de vackra miljöerna som Tymus, Truck och Bora har skapat.

Foto: Tymus Tenk (tror jag)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ars Memorial Service II

Today there is another Memorial service for my darling Ars, at the beautiful Calas Galadhon sim. It starts at 3 pm (kl 23.00 svensk tid). Teleport here SLurl: Calas Galadhon

I am very happy to inform you that Ars parents, one of his sisters, his brothers and and even some of his nephews, nieces and cousins will join us there. They will all be in front of the screen of an avatar they have created.

You are all welcome to join us and share any memories you may have of Ars Northmead.

Big thanks to Ars brothers Dejerrity Mycron, Jeb Nicholls for arranging this and all their support, to Truck Meredith & Tymus Tenk for letting us use their sim and their homestead, support and loads of work and last but not least to Bora Rossini for working miracles in creating the most beautiful setting.

Foto: Kent Hutchinson, KH Photography

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ars Memorial - tillfälligt

Det finns ett underbart - men tillfälligt - minnesmärke för min älskade Ars som jag vill dela med mig av.
Här har ni landningsmärket: Ars temporary Memorial at Mirromere. (Det finns några permanenta som jag kommer att berätta om senare)

Besök gärna detta minnesmärke snart, det försvinner på söndag!

Denna bild har den underbara Millimina Salamander tagit.

Jag vill tacka min Ars bröder Dejerrity Mycron och Jeb Nicholls för att de kom på den goda idén och sedan såg till att den förverkligades och även för allt deras stöd under denna hemska tid för oss alla tre.

Jag vill också tacka simägarna Truck Meredith och Tymus Tenk för att vi fick låna deras underbara homestead Mirromere för att uppföra minnesmärket och för all vänlighet och allt stöd under tiden. Jag vill dessutom redan nu tacka dem för att vi får låna deras intilligande sim Calas Galadhon för genomförandet av en minneshögtid för Ars nu på lördag 3 PM SLT (mer info med landningsmärke kommer snart).

Det gör mig oerhört stolt att berätta att Ars RL-systrar nu har skapat en avatar! Denna avatar kommer att vara närvarande vid minneshögtiden kommande lördag med Ars far och den ena av systrarna framför skärmen! 

Jag vill även tacka byggarna av minnesmärket Bora Rossini och Luckymen Moody för deras vision och genomförandet av den.

Slutligen vill jag tacka er alla - ingen nämnd och ingen glömd - för allt stöd under denna svåra tid. Ni har verkligen varit underbara. Särskild tacksamhet känner jag mot min och Ars son Guyke Lundquist, mina tålmodiga vänner Millimina Salamander och Zigadena Gabardini.