Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sane or Insane?

Prosecutor Svein Holden, said in a letter to the Oslo district court today that three psychologists and one psychiatrist at Ila prison in Oslo, where the mass murderer A.B.B. is held in pretrial detention, informed him they have not observed any signs that he is neither psychotic or schizophrenic. The prison has not started medication of A.B.B. or  seen any need to move him to another facility. Neither have any signs of suicidal tendencies been noticed.

These findings contradict the report of the court appointed team of psychiatrists which found that A.B.B. was legally insane and suffering from psychotic schizophrenia, see "Legally Insane". These findings have earlier been disputed by the Swedish psychiatrist Johan Cullberg, see "Sane Enough".

I guess we will have to wait and see how the courts rules on this issue, but the line between sanity and insanity is sometimes very, very thin. I am logging into my SecondLife to go see a first life photo exhibition by cbreak.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sean Chapin - "I'm Married and I Know It"

(via J.M.G.)

Prevention of Historical Revisionism

Before moving along, as I promised to do yesterday, I am taking the precautionary measure of posting this extract from the comments on the mudslingers blog. This because I was alerted today about the fact that comments and even entire blog posts so easily disappear. (Copy/pasted here but I have used my snipping tool as well). 

The benefit of copy/pasting is that you can copy and get the comments translated yourselves, as I have now also been accused of having made an incorrect translation.

The only thing I have changed below are the names of the two harridans of the virtual worlds and the links to the blog post or the identities of the other two, I am instead using the more suitable names I have chosen for them.

Now, I am done with those two and my beautiful world is waiting.. 

"The extraterrestrial hag from InWorldz" sa...
Jag har själv blivit mobbad av Bock McMillan som attackerade mig våldsamt i sin egen blogg samt strök mig från alla tänkbara vänlistor och skrev hemska kommentarer i min blogg. Varför vet jag inte. Jag fick aldrig någon ursäkt heller. 

Folk påstod att det var synd om honom och att han inte visste vad han gjorde. Whatever. Såna dramaqueens går fetbort i min värld iaf. Troligen är det bara så att "kärringen" är ur balans och måste ha nån att slå på ibland.
Happy New Year! :]
"The mudslinger" sa...
-Trodde du redan att gjort det Kandi - en sån lysande feministisk journalist som du, Tina har i alla fall skrivit om detta tidigare. 
Kalla mig censor då kan du lika gärna sparka mig i skrevet, dra mig i håret och sätta tummen i ögat - då förbehåller jag mig rätten att slå tillbaka med full kraft. Det är inte som prydnad jag har med länken till Reportrar utan gränser.
-Vi har alla sett Bock strö dricks omkring sig på olika danskvällar - vem vill schavottera med en tummad tjuga efter Prinsens fabulösa donation.
Vi som inte varit med så länge vet ju inte ens om Ars har funnits eller om det är en alt i syfte att iscensätta någon vonDardelsk installation. -När du gav dig på Kynlif gav du dig på fel person. Hon förlorade båda sina föräldrar i en bilolycka för fem sex år sedan. Trots det reste hon sig snabbt gav sina barn en fin uppväxt och förde sitt egna företag till blomstring. Hon kanske inte sagt något, jag vet att hon avskyr när någon ömkar henne.
Vare sig du eller Mera/Vesper/Alessia förtjänar något svar, men jag vill bara säga att du borde skämmas Vanadis för att ens ifrågasätta Ars existens eller betydelse i mitt och andras liv.

Så långt som att undersöka hur det verkligen förhåller sig med detta sträckte sig tydligtvis inte din journalistiska begåvning eller integritet.

Jag beklagar Kynlifs olycka och gratulerar till att hon förmådde återhämta sig så snabbt. Jag visste dock inte att hon därmed had fastställt vilken tidtabell min sorg skulle följa.

Jag förstår fortfarande inte heller när eller på vilket sätt jag någonsin skulle ha gett mig på Kynlif, men det är egalt nu.

Monday, January 2, 2012


I am now officially at the age when I am living proof that the answer to "The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything" is actually nothing other than 42. The question is still not known though...

Hooray for me!

For I´m a jolly good fellow, for I´m a jolly good fellow
For I´m a jolly good fellow (pause), and so say all of me
And so say all of me, and so say all of me
For I´m a jolly good fellow, for I´m a jolly good fellow
For I´m a jolly good fellow (pause), which nobody can deny!

Where Do I Go From Here?

After reading the mudslingers vicious attack on my Ars memory yesterday I was in turmoil and totally confused because I could not see it coming.

It is true the mudslinger and I have a history of miscommunication but that she would - or even could wish to - drag my Ars into the equation was totally unexpected and extremely hurtful.

After I had sent out the note card to everyone on my friendslist in SecondLife asking them to bear witness to Ars existence, I got many questions about the identity of the mudslinger and kind advise telling me to ignore the foolish person and let it lay.

I am not going to name the mudslinger at this point in time, as I wish her no harm. Her identity and her blog is however known to many of the other Swedes in SecondLife and they can also testify to the fact that she has actually brought forth the accusations that I have stated.

The mudslinger is dust to me now and has lost any credibility she may have had. I wish no further contact with her ever again. Should she, however. at any point in the future,  leave a comment on my blog again I will name her, her blog and link to the post where she sullies the memory of Ars.

The same of course applies to her crony, the extraterrestrial hag from InWorldz with her many avatars. Both of theses two harridans of the virtual worlds have spit on me and the memory of my Ars. The extraterrestrial hag did so only a few weeks after Ars passed away by raising the question if love in the virtual worlds was at all real love or even possible in any correct interpretation of the word.

As to the kind suggestions from many who wish me well, that I should ignore what had happened and let it lay, I can only say that it was never an option for me. I am sure it is a personality disorder of some kind, but I don´t care.

Once again I would like to thank all those of my family and friends in SecondLife who rallied to protect Ars´s memory. I would also like to thank all those friends and strangers who have sent me kind messages inworld or by e-mail. I will try to get back to you all as soon as possible!

I am sorry this post comes so late, but as an aftermath of yesterdays experiences I was completely exhausted when I got back from work today. What should have been a one hour nap turned into a three hours one.

Now, I am going to leave this behind me and never revisit it again. The middle part of yesterday was not a day I wish to remember. I will see you inworld tomorrow!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Thank You All

When I read the infamous bloggers comment earlier today I cried with hurt, frustration and anger over her gall and self righteousness in questioning my Ars ever having existed and for my life in SecondLife of being a display of mere theatrics.

I calmed myself down enough to write this comment on her blog;

"Neither you, nor (one of the bloggers cronies who was also commenting) deserve an answer, but I would still like to say that you should be ashamed (bloggers name) for bringing into question Ars´s existence or meaning in my and other people´s lives. 
Apparently your journalistic talent or integrity didn´t stretch far enough to care to investigate on whether your suspicions were true. 
I am sad for (one of the bloggers friends) misfortune (in having lost both her parents in a car accident a few years ago) and congratulate her for her ability to recover from that in a speedy manner. However, I did not know that she by doing so had set the timetable for my own grief. I still do not understand in what way you perceive that I have harassed (the above mentioned friend), but that doesn't matter anymore. 
1 januari 2012 16:14"

After this I lost it for awhile and then wrote the post you have been answering to, my wonderful friends, and I sent it out to all on my friends-list.

On this first day of 2012 I had promised myself that I would not get baited by foolish people, but the immensity of her allegation brought that resolution to the ground and I cried because of her stupidity.

Now I am crying again, this time with pride over your response in coming to bear witness over a great man who has indeed lived with us all. From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank those of you who speedily came to my assistance when I called out for help! You guys and girls are the salt of the earth, I love you deeply!

I completely understand those who have let me know that you cannot testify in this because you did not know my Ars and those who have told me that the best action is to ignore the girl, I was to upset when I sent out the card to think who could or could not have known my Ars.

I hope all of you a better continuation of 2012, I have as you may have seen prophesied that it will be a most wonderful year. Lets do that together!

Did You Know Ars Northmead?

I am in total shock at the moment. An infamous Swedish SecondLife-blogger has today had the shameful audacity to draw into question whether or not my beautiful Ars has ever existed as a person or avatar in his own right.

She indeed outright implies that the avatar Ars Northmead is/was one of my alts and also maintains that my mourning for him is a role-play created in my deviant imagination. She also thinks my timetable for mourning deviates from her ideal.

I would therefor ask that all those of you who may have known Ars Northmead come forward and attest to his existence as a person in his own right and that he is not an alt of mine.

If you feel you can do this, please attest to those facts in the comments. Should you know of others who could bear witness to this, please ask them to sign in also.

This has gone too far